Krystyna Kott
Krystyna Kott held the position of Manager, Risk & Assurance Services at the Finance in 2010 and received an annual salary of $113,962.39 as per the records provided by the Government of Ontario.
Year: 2010
Salary: $113,962.39
Position: Manager, Risk & Assurance Services
Employer: Finance
Category of Employment: Government of Ontario : Ministries
Source: Ontario's Sunshine List
Salary History
The historical salary and taxable benefits of Krystyna Kott from 2008 to 2010 at Finance
Year | Salary | Benefits | Raise | Position | Employer |
2010 | $113,962.39 | $179.28 | 0.5% | Manager, Risk & Assurance Services | Finance |
2009 | $113,387.01 | $180.82 | 6.4% | Manager, Risk & Assurance Services | Finance |
2008 | $106,551.36 | $184.84 | N/A | Manager, Risk & Assurance Services | Finance |
Krystyna Kott experienced an average yearly salary raise of approximately 3.46% from 2008 to 2010. The salary in 2010 reflects a raise of 6.96% compared to the salary in 2008.
Top-earning individuals in the same location, holding identical position
List of the highest-earning Manager, Risk & Assurance Services at Finance in 2010
Name | Salary | Position | Employer | Year |
KRYSTYNA KOTT | $113,962.39 | Manager, Risk & Assurance Services | Finance | 2010 |
BRADLEY OBEE | $113,962.39 | Manager, Risk & Assurance Services | Finance | 2010 |
DAVID SCHELL | $105,986.14 | Manager, Risk & Assurance Services | Finance | 2010 |
MICHAEL MURPHY | $105,712.59 | Manager, Risk & Assurance Services | Finance | 2010 |
RICHARD KING | $104,293.73 | Manager, Risk & Assurance Services | Finance | 2010 |
Top Salaries at Finance in the 2011 Sunshine List
Deputy Minister$289,666.35
Assistant Deputy Minister/Provincial Controller$172,955.09
Assistant Deputy Minister/Chief Economist, Office of Economic Policy$172,955.09
Chief Internal Auditor/Assistant Deputy Minister$172,955.09
Assistant Deputy Minister, Taxation Policy Division$172,955.09