Lee Tustin

Lee Tustin held the position of Advocate for Children and Youth / Intervenante en faveur des enfants et des jeunes at the Provincial Advocate in 2018 and received an annual salary of $124,379.55 as per the records provided by the Government of Ontario.

Year: 2018

Salary: $124,379.55

Position: Advocate for Children and Youth / Intervenante en faveur des enfants et des jeunes

Employer: Provincial Advocate

Category of Employment: Government of Ontario - Legislative Assembly and Offices

Source: Ontario's Sunshine List

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Salary History

The historical salary and taxable benefits of Lee Tustin from 2013 to 2018 at Provincial Advocate

Year Salary Benefits Raise Position Employer
2018 $124,379.55 $143.24 N/A Advocate for Children and Youth / Intervenante en faveur des enfants et des jeunes Provincial Advocate
2013 $143,230.44 $150.14 N/A Advocate, Children & Youth Provincial Advocate
Lee Tustin experienced an average yearly salary raise of approximately 0.00% from 2013 to 2018. The salary in 2018 reflects a raise of -13.16% compared to the salary in 2013.

Top-earning individuals in the same location, holding identical position

List of the highest-earning Advocate for Children and Youth / Intervenante en faveur des enfants et des jeunes at Provincial Advocate in 2018

Name Salary Position Employer Year
Lee Tustin $124,379.55 Advocate for Children and Youth / Intervenante en faveur des enfants et des jeunes Provincial Advocate 2018
James Mcguirk $111,309.01 Advocate for Children and Youth / Intervenante en faveur des enfants et des jeunes Provincial Advocate 2018
Ruth Hislop $110,456.51 Advocate for Children and Youth / Intervenante en faveur des enfants et des jeunes Provincial Advocate 2018
Audrey Thompson $109,617.79 Advocate for Children and Youth / Intervenante en faveur des enfants et des jeunes Provincial Advocate 2018
Brigitte Barikage $106,706.73 Advocate for Children and Youth / Intervenante en faveur des enfants et des jeunes Provincial Advocate 2018
Nikie Tentogiou $101,788.85 Advocate for Children and Youth / Intervenante en faveur des enfants et des jeunes Provincial Advocate 2018
Colleen Gray $100,409.43 Advocate for Children and Youth / Intervenante en faveur des enfants et des jeunes Provincial Advocate 2018
  • Top Salaries at Provincial Advocate in the 2019 Sunshine List
  • Provincial Advocate, Children and Youth / Intervenant provincial en faveur des enfants et des jeunes
  • Director, Strategic Development / Directrice du développement stratégique
  • Director, Investigation / Directrice des enquêtes
  • Director, Information Technology / Directeur des technologies de l’information
  • Director, Advocacy Services and Community Development/ Directeur des services d'intervention et de développement communautaire