Marc Lapointe

Marc Lapointe held the position of Investigator / Enquêteur at the Comm. Safety & Corr. Services / Sécurité com. et Services corr. in 2011 and received an annual salary of $123,410.88 as per the records provided by the Government of Ontario.

Year: 2011

Salary: $123,410.88

Position: Investigator / Enquêteur

Employer: Comm. Safety & Corr. Services / Sécurité com. et Services corr.

Category of Employment: Government of Ontario : Ministries

Source: Ontario's Sunshine List

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Salary History

Year Salary Benefits Raise Position Employer
2011 $123,410.88 $83.90 N/A Investigator / Enquêteur Comm. Safety & Corr. Services / Sécurité com. et Services corr.

Top-earning individuals in the same location, holding identical position

List of the highest-earning Investigator / Enquêteur at Comm. Safety & Corr. Services / Sécurité com. et Services corr. in 2011

Top-earning individuals holding identical position in other locations

List of the highest-earning Investigator / Enquêteur in the Ontario's Sunshine List

Name Salary Position Employer Year
ALLAN EATON $124,602.33 Investigator / Enquêteur Attorney General / Procureur général 2011
ROBERT WATTERS $124,421.45 Investigator / Enquêteur Attorney General / Procureur général 2011
CARM PIRO $120,340.04 Investigator / Enquêteur Attorney General / Procureur général 2011
DERRICK WIDE $119,953.44 Investigator / Enquêteur Attorney General / Procureur général 2011
JOHN LINE $116,498.68 Investigator / Enquêteur Attorney General / Procureur général 2011
JON ANSELL $110,164.95 Investigator / Enquêteur Attorney General / Procureur général 2011
PAUL DEMPSEY $109,574.01 Investigator / Enquêteur Attorney General / Procureur général 2011
ROBERTO SANCHIONI $102,725.74 Investigator / Enquêteur Ontario Securities Commission / Commission des valeurs mobilières de l'Ontario 2011
DEAN SEYMOUR $102,296.48 Investigator / Enquêteur Attorney General / Procureur général 2011
OLEKSANDR KRAVCHENKO $100,812.70 Investigator / Enquêteur Attorney General / Procureur général 2011
  • Top Salaries at Comm. Safety & Corr. Services / Sécurité com. et Services corr. in the 2012 Sunshine List
  • Chief Coroner / Coroner en chef
  • Chief Forensic Pathologist / Médecin légiste en chef
  • Forensic Pathologist / Médecin légiste
  • Rehabilitation Officer / Agent de réadaptation
  • Deputy Chief Coroner / Coroner en chef adjoint