Paul Mathur

Paul Mathur held the position of Manager, Operations / Chef des opérations at the Transportation / Transports in 2017 and received an annual salary of $140,628.54 as per the records provided by the Government of Ontario.

Year: 2017

Salary: $140,628.54

Position: Manager, Operations / Chef des opérations

Employer: Transportation / Transports

Category of Employment: Government of Ontario - Ministries

Source: Ontario's Sunshine List

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Salary History

The historical salary and taxable benefits of Paul Mathur from 2011 to 2017 at Transportation / Transports

Paul Mathur experienced an average yearly salary raise of approximately 0.00% from 2011 to 2017. The salary in 2017 reflects a raise of 22.28% compared to the salary in 2011.

Top-earning individuals in the same location, holding identical position

List of the highest-earning Manager, Operations / Chef des opérations at Transportation / Transports in 2017

Name Salary Position Employer Year
Paul Mathur $140,628.54 Manager, Operations / Chef des opérations Transportation / Transports 2017
Kevin G. Morphet $135,048.18 Manager, Operations / Chef des opérations Transportation / Transports 2017
Steven M. Mcinnis $134,105.60 Manager, Operations / Chef des opérations Transportation / Transports 2017
Rafael Albino $134,072.14 Manager, Operations / Chef des opérations Transportation / Transports 2017
Gary W. Weiss $124,657.29 Manager, Operations / Chef des opérations Transportation / Transports 2017
Sanjoy S. Hazra $117,042.12 Manager, Operations / Chef des opérations Transportation / Transports 2017

Top-earning individuals holding identical position in other locations

List of the highest-earning Manager, Operations / Chef des opérations in the Ontario's Sunshine List

Name Salary Position Employer Year
Nigel Miranda $123,842.69 Manager, Operations / Chef des opérations Ontario Financing Authority / Office ontarien de financement 2017
Deepinder Dhillon $118,976.74 Manager, Operations / Chef des opérations Ministry of Government and Consumer Services / Ministère des Services gouvernementaux et des Services aux consommateurs 2017
Barry Duffey $112,228.75 Manager, Operations / Chef des opérations Environment and Climate Change / Environnement et Action en matière de changement 2017
Andree Mitchell $107,376.35 Manager, Operations / Chef des opérations Ontario Health Quality Council (Health Quality Ontario) / Qualité Des Services De Santé Ontario 2017
James Mcdougall $106,635.29 Manager, Operations / Chef des opérations Liquor Control Board of Ontario / Régie Des Alcools De L'Ontario 2017
John Drury $105,882.83 Manager, Operations / Chef des opérations Legislative Assembly / Assemblée législative 2017
Ian Mccallum $105,104.26 Manager, Operations / Chef des opérations Liquor Control Board of Ontario / Régie Des Alcools De L'Ontario 2017
Teresa Lohan $104,622.52 Manager, Operations / Chef des opérations Legislative Assembly / Assemblée législative 2017
Nick Ferraro $101,509.80 Manager, Operations / Chef des opérations Education Quality and Accountability Office / Office de la qualité et de la responsabilité en éducation 2017
Christopher Martin $101,022.72 Manager, Operations / Chef des opérations Liquor Control Board of Ontario / Régie Des Alcools De L'Ontario 2017
  • Top Salaries at Transportation / Transports in the 2018 Sunshine List
  • Deputy Minister / Sous-ministre
  • Assistant Deputy Minister, Policy and Planning Division / Sous-ministre adjoint, Division des politiques et de la planification
  • Chief Information Officer, Transportation Cluster / Directeur de l'information, Groupement pour les transports
  • Assistant Deputy Minister, Provincial Highways Management Division / Sous-ministre, Division de la gestion des routes provinciales
  • Executive Director and Chief Engineer / Directeur général et ingénieur en chef