Samantha Boyd
Samantha Boyd held the position of Manager, Building Design and Construction at the City Of Brampton in 2020 and received an annual salary of $128,172.37 as per the records provided by the Government of Ontario.
Year: 2020
Salary: $128,172.37
Position: Manager, Building Design and Construction
Employer: City Of Brampton
Category of Employment: Municipalities & Services
Source: Ontario's Sunshine List
Salary History
The historical salary and taxable benefits of Samantha Boyd from 2016 to 2020 at City Of Brampton
Year | Salary | Benefits | Raise | Position | Employer |
2020 | $128,172.37 | $539.76 | 9.9% | Manager, Building Design and Construction | City Of Brampton |
2019 | $116,608.05 | $529.03 | 4.4% | Project Manager, Building Design and Construction | City Of Brampton |
2018 | $111,648.61 | $528.88 | 4.8% | Project Manager, Building Design and Construction | City of Brampton |
2017 | $106,529.13 | $489.93 | 4.8% | Project Manager, Building Design&Construction | City of Brampton |
2016 | $101,602.16 | $472.80 | N/A | Project Manager, Building Design and Construction | City of Brampton |
Samantha Boyd experienced an average yearly salary raise of approximately 6.00% from 2016 to 2020. The salary in 2020 reflects a raise of 26.15% compared to the salary in 2016.
Top-earning individuals in the same location, holding identical position
List of the highest-earning Manager, Building Design and Construction at City Of Brampton in 2020
Name | Salary | Position | Employer | Year |
Davis Falsarella | $159,431.17 | Manager, Building Design and Construction | City Of Brampton | 2020 |
Prashant Bhalja | $157,526.64 | Manager, Building Design and Construction | City Of Brampton | 2020 |
W. Porter | $153,560.29 | Manager, Building Design and Construction | City Of Brampton | 2020 |
Cindy Binnell | $144,670.27 | Manager, Building Design and Construction | City Of Brampton | 2020 |
Samantha Boyd | $128,172.37 | Manager, Building Design and Construction | City Of Brampton | 2020 |
Patricia Lee | $116,212.98 | Manager, Building Design and Construction | City Of Brampton | 2020 |
Top Salaries at City Of Brampton in the 2021 Sunshine List
Commissioner, Community Services$338,617.61
Chief Administrative Officer$317,780.21
Chief Administrative Officer$301,612.56
Commissioner, Public Works and Engineering$237,185.05