Timothy F Bezaire
Timothy F Bezaire held the position of Detective Inspector at the City of London - Police Services in 2007 and received an annual salary of $116,936.26 as per the records provided by the Government of Ontario.
Year: 2007
Salary: $116,936.26
Position: Detective Inspector
Employer: City of London - Police Services
Category of Employment: Municipalities and Services
Source: Ontario's Sunshine List
Salary History
The historical salary and taxable benefits of Timothy F Bezaire from 2006 to 2007 at City of London - Police Services
Year | Salary | Benefits | Raise | Position | Employer |
2007 | $116,936.26 | $408.24 | 6.1% | Detective Inspector | City of London - Police Services |
2006 | $110,179.97 | $355.11 | N/A | Inspector | City of London-Police Services |
Timothy F Bezaire experienced an average yearly salary raise of approximately 6.13% from 2006 to 2007. The salary in 2007 reflects a raise of 6.13% compared to the salary in 2006.
Top-earning individuals in the same location, holding identical position
List of the highest-earning Detective Inspector at City of London - Police Services in 2007
Name | Salary | Position | Employer | Year |
TIMOTHY F BEZAIRE | $116,936.26 | Detective Inspector | City of London - Police Services | 2007 |
RICKY A HARRISS | $109,806.21 | Detective Inspector | City of London - Police Services | 2007 |
Top-earning individuals holding identical position in other locations
List of the highest-earning Detective Inspector in the Ontario's Sunshine List
Name | Salary | Position | Employer | Year |
JOHN VANDERLELIE | $112,347.49 | Detective Inspector | Halton Region | 2007 |
Top Salaries at City of London - Police Services in the 2008 Sunshine List
Chief of Police$187,899.34
Deputy Chief of Police$160,313.41
Deputy Chief of Police$144,456.28
Detective Superintendent$133,919.83